About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Girl in The Bake Shop Window

Every morning, as I'm on my way to work, I pass by a small bake shop.
It is as if I could almost smell the freshly baked bread, as if it seeps through the walls and kisses me, softly.
Growing up, my step father was a baker for some time, and that smell brings back happy memories.
But as I smile, thinking of a once happy childhood, I notice the girl in the window.
As she is settling the loaves and pastries, neatly for public display, her face is meek.
Her smile is non-existent and her thoughts seem to be elsewhere. She notices me looking at her
and just as I am about to smile a simple 'good morning'
she quickly averts my gaze and is consumed in her thoughts again.

I wonder if she knows something I don't,
or if she'd care to know what I do.

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