About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Friday, May 8, 2015


This one took a while to write
partly because it took a while to realize

I thought I still loved you
I thought I still needed you
I thought I still wanted you

But time helped me realize I was only lying to myself,
keeping myself from experiencing happiness again

And then it happened
We reconnected
Or so it seemed
because there was really no connection anymore..

Perhaps that is sad
Perhaps the past can still have a glimmer of beauty to it
Perhaps who you were when we first met will continue to live on in my memory

But it was today that I realized the past is

And I am so relieved

I am ready to live again
Every day
Every moment
In every beautiful, God-given way.

Thank you for letting me see--
I have always deserved better.

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