About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Beyond Repair
in more ways than flesh...
In spirit , in love,
all lies
just lies

A year to show me the truth
A year to pass by so I can see the truth;
the truth you were too afraid to tell.
But the truth always finds its way,
because "The Truth shall set you free"
and now,
because of the occluded life you lived,
that life of secrets that is no more,
I am free.

Freedom is Sweet--
for after the truth there is nothing left.
With nothing left, I can start to live
because now there is nothing to lose;
I have nothing to lose because you were never really mine,

Interesting that now you want to belong to me.
But, did you know--I don't want you anymore:
I choose my Freedom.

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