About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


There is a loud temptation at our door
and yet, my innocent hello
is silenced by your secret that we can no longer ignore...
Your prior engagements
leave us with no commitments;
this lust is just entrusted
to a marriage of burdern now corrupted.
Your actions prove no justive,
& yet our desires continue erupting.
Your years of experience
overshadow my sweetness--
as you sip at the honey of my lips,
and tightly grip my yearning hips,
you rise and thrust like ten rocket ships;
Why did it have to come to this?

She thinks you're a Saint of a Man,
always wearing that ring on your hand,
but like a kitten, you lap at the milk of my bowl,
making sure not a single, wet drop is left of my soul,
and there is still a loud knocking at our door,
Perhaps it is too much for us to ignore...

May God forgive us for we act as if we do not know.

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