About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Monday, September 10, 2012

Where I'm coming from

I am from a broken heart,
From a man with no name and no face. 
I am from the balance between life and death,
From a miracle that kept fighting against all odds.
I am from a home of premature faiths,
And loud disagreements.
I am from halal and kebobs,
And  arroz con leche.
From "Mash'Allah" 
and "Si, se puede!"
From undecipherable Marks and 
sixty-six love Letters.
I am from tightly interlaced fingers
And reverent closed eyes.
I am from ears that were first opened
to the sound of fatherly love
after eighteen years of silence. 
I am from music notes and careful words,
From colorful impulsivity and
repentant recollection.
I am from Hands that kept molding
And keep holding me in one piece.

I am from the hood,
From red and blue flashing lights,
from accidents on purpose, 
from stolen wombs 
and blood on white 
December nights.
I am from gunshots and
scarred wrists, 
from open arms and innocent dreams
on cold and gritty New York streets.
I am from lost fantasies and better realities
From depression and from Hope;
I AM from Love.
I am from Peace.

*this poem inspired this song: