About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Standing Time

Only time will tell.
Only Time will let us see if this is meant to be.
I know what I have to do,
and I know that you know what you have to do, as well,
but I don't know if you will have the courage to do it.

I think you will be a coward,
and I think you will keep making mistakes,
and whats more,
I know that even after more mistakes,
you will still want me,
but it will be too late.

So don't be a coward.
Stand up for what you believe in,
stand up for what you know is good,
for what you know is right.
Stand up and do not fall.
Stand up and rise above.

Stand up and show me
that you are courageous enough
and strong enough
to stand by my side
through it all.