About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Thursday, July 1, 2010


There is this feeling of wanting more
This feeling of wanting so much more
Than what I have been dealt with…

My heart aches for that something more,
And I can’t figure out what it is that I Need.

I have my family
My friends
My education
And I had love.
Lucky, I know.
But… I am left feeling as if something is still missing

And most importantly,
I have God, always and forever.
The only Always & Forever
I can actually
Depend on.

So what is it that I still need??

I am trying to listen to my heart
But it’s muffled,
Almost silent,
As if the remnants of a
Chord that dissipated into
A Dark, starry night;

And all that is left
Is a muted buzz.

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