About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Evidence of a Soul

Oh, my Soul;
I know how you long to be free,
to be in a place where you can fly.
But for now, you are confined
to the walls of my skin;
I feel your pulse as it emanates from my heart
and ends as it impacts my bones,
yet if you could,
you would keep beating against my flesh
until you've won your liberty,
into the open air.

You long for more than what you have been given,
for that which seems so far out of reach, yet so close you could almost
You long for that undescribable beauty
of celestial standards,
yet you are bound to my simple, terrestrial existence--
an existance which classifies you
as a soul that will remain
forever simple and mundane.

But, please,
keep beating against the confines of my bones,
because if you do,
at least I know you exist,
and that may perhaps prove
an existance beyond

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