About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vile Eyes

Mutual understanding is the key;
If I am in this 100% of the way,
but you're on the side lines with a 'nay'
or with a 'I don't know what to say,'
then just don't be with me.

I'm in the most beautiful place in the world;
I'm experiencing the best time of my life,
and if you feel like
all you can contribute is strife,
then by all means, don't get in the way,
don't waste my time.

I was excited, ,
and thrilled,
to see your face again,
to hear your voice again.
And yet all you could say was
killing me a little inside again,
making my heart slowly die again.

Your grunts of disappointment,
your stories of missed appointments...
Your empty stares and forced smiles,
your eyes have now turned vile...

adding extreme negation,
subtracting from my mood of elation

And yet,
I'm diverging from your disease,
because you see, "I'm doing me,"
and this life overseas
does more than please;

And it does so
in more ways
than you ever could

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