About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Friday, November 12, 2010

Chained to Love

Regardless of the distance that is physically between
My heart is still tied down to your love
It can't break free
It can't fly away
And It doesn't even want to . . .

This Love and this Fire
That Burns Through me
Can't be tamed by new winds
or the oceans between
Because neither the sky nor the sea
Can break the hold you have on me.
Your love, so beautiful
so dangerous, so precious,
so consuming, so delirious,
so incandescent and serious,
has changed me
and has become
something I can't live without.

Though I'm terrified
of what may come to be,
Your love and your memory
have become ingrained in me
to the point where
your chains are what have set me free.

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