About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Monday, January 9, 2012


We are made from the Stars.
Visible commodities
floating through space
and time.
and Why?
You may ask...
are we here?
Isn't it clear?

We simply are
rotating bodies,
here, below, and
above and beyond...
Does anyone else know that we are

The flesh is not strong
to withstand what is coming,
outside our parallel universe.

We simply are
decaying bodies,
resting and moving,
growing and expanding.

p at t e r ns
p  a  t  t  e  r  n  s
p    a   t   t   e    r    n   s
e x p a n d i n g u n i v e r s e

We simply are
Spirits among the Stars...
there lies the reason for more.
The need for more.
The want for more.

We used to be at the center of it all,
but time has proven otherwise.

We are finding Justifications
for our speculations...
We simply are

fleeting constellations.

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