About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ode to Mother

July 1, 2007

You might look at her and see an ordinary woman.

I look at her and see a Fighter,
A Survivor,
A Hero,
A Friend.
I can see even more reflected in her eyes as her love shines through...
If only you knew her stories; where she's been, what she's been through, what she's seen...
Anything and everything that she's had to endure to get to where she is now,
and even though her current situation isn't the best,
she continues to make sacrifices in hopes of the slightest glimpse at success.
She's a strong woman who puts others first and her self second.
She is humble, hard-working, and honest, all of which are traits that would be admired by anyone, especially by those who have witnessed them first-hand.
I've been there for her as she has doubtlessly done for me, yet my love for her fails in comparison.
Her heart is generous,
her actions kind and of the best interest,
her words empowering,
and her smile warm and welcoming.
You might look at her and see an ordinary woman…
I look at her and see an extraordinary mother.

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