About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Take this Heart for You

February 14, 2008

Take this Heart for you.
I've kept it from the world,
But I know it's safe with you.
Others have wanted to steal it,
and bruise it,
even go so far as to break it,
But I've decided to only let you have it,
because I know you have what it takes to love.

Take this Heart for you.
It belongs only to you.
Protect it from harm,
Console it through the worst,
Kiss it when it hurts;
Show it that you truly care.

It only asks to be loved,
so Love it with Everything you have to give.
I trust you with this Heart;
this heart needs your heart to live.
It needs your love throughout every day.
I completely give you this heart,
so take My heart for You.

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