About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


December 2007
Do you see?
It's a blanket of Bliss falling from the sky.
Oh, How I wish to just melt into it,
Have it softly lay itself upon me,
Engulf me,
So that I may see the world through Blissful Eyes.
I could lay there for hours,
Become an Angel of the Snow,
Forget all the troubles,
and woes,
and sorrows,
and pains;
Be environed by Only Bliss.
As I lay there,
every snowflake upon my face
would become a
part of me.
And I'd dream for it,
and wish for it,
Until I become Pure Bliss,
and finally have
Eternal Peace.

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