About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Once Again

I believed our paths were not to cross
and yet,
just like a warm breeze that kindly caresses
and softly cradles the soul,
I saw your beautiful face again;
and your bright eyes
shone into my heart once again,
and they let me know
you still love me.

And because of that one look from you,
after what felt like a year of empty stares
from other empty, worthless eyes,
I am caught up again,
sweetly seduced once again.

What am I to do?
Should I return to your heart,
that once felt so safe,
that may be safe to trust again,
that may prove to me that Love is worth waiting for?
Should I return to your arms,
that kept me warm during the cold,
that held me close when I felt so far,
that may protect me from all my fears?

Should I depart from your sight,
and keep searching for a new horizon
for a new start...
for a chance to prove to myself
that I can stand firm alone.

Where is Love to guide me?
Where will Love take me,
if I let my heart reign again...

Once again,
my heart beats fast for you,
my eyes look only for you,
my hand is longing for your touch,
my lips are yearning for your warmth,
and my soul is waiting...
Once again,
faith, hope, and Love remain
and I am reaching out for an answer.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sweet Message

d i s i l l u s i o n e d;
my dreams of love and life
were shattered,
more so
right from beneath me,
I have finally planted my feet
firmly on the ground,
upon a Rock
that will never move,
for I have finally realized
that whether alone or not,
we must continue to walk on.

The path we walk is the one that we choose,
and we must not forget that when we do so,
we must walk always looking ahead,
while watching each step that we take.
Whether that path shines bright
or dims away into the darkness,
our eyes should never stray from the
sweet moon beam
starlit entities
that shine right over our lives.
The amazing gift of life takes us on infinite journeys
of the mind
of the heart
and of the soul,
but in the end,
we never get out of it alive.
Because of that,
our gaze should be focused on the one thing that unites us all: Love;
for it is Love that brought us into the world,
and it is Love that will lead us correctly.

P.S. I will always love You.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Empty Truth

When life goes on, day by day,
as the hours tick away
mercilessly and incessantly,
I cannot bare how things have become.

I used to have it all
and there are those that look at me,
and see my smile as it exposes an invalid truth,
for it seems as though my world is safe,
for it seems as though I am alright.

But this smile that seems so warm and welcoming
blinds them from the real me;
this smile allows me to keep a distance
and shelter all the hidden truths,
the hidden pains,
the countless disappointments.

They say they care about me
but they cannot tolerate my heart,
they won't care to listen,
for my heart has too much sadness
and who wants to hear only stories of sadness?

If I were to share my stories,
the stories of love and loss,
the stories of life and death,
I would still be left alone
with empty words
and empty breaths.
I would still be trying to recapture
my self, a self that has been
blindly whispered into the winds,
roaming the earth
desperately seeking a truth
and finding nothing but empty air.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


There is this feeling of wanting more
This feeling of wanting so much more
Than what I have been dealt with…

My heart aches for that something more,
And I can’t figure out what it is that I Need.

I have my family
My friends
My education
And I had love.
Lucky, I know.
But… I am left feeling as if something is still missing

And most importantly,
I have God, always and forever.
The only Always & Forever
I can actually
Depend on.

So what is it that I still need??

I am trying to listen to my heart
But it’s muffled,
Almost silent,
As if the remnants of a
Chord that dissipated into
A Dark, starry night;

And all that is left
Is a muted buzz.