About Me

a writer & love of beautiful and true things. // Joshua 1:9

Saturday, January 21, 2012

3:29 a.m.

I was dreaming...
your image floating , steady, like a breeze.
slowly, ever so, you were almost in full view.
rising, ever so, my heart against its cage,
and then, like a swift talon bringing death,
five gun shots
stole my dream away.
they reverberated against the walls;
loud and unforgiving.
Am I still dreaming?

panicked whispers
beat mercilessly through
my windowpane,
as the white snow
falls like the rain,
and still, your love,
leaves me without gain.

I wondered, was anyone hurt?
A small gray car pulled away,
without urgency nor hushed efforts,
driving itself deeper into the dirt.

may God amend the perilous road.

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